work with us

We don't hire employees.

We believe large teams lead to bloated software. We keep things simple and straightforward.

Instead, we work by hiring contractors for specific projects.

We strongly believe only exceptional individuals can make exceptional software, so we keep our threshold high when it comes to hiring.

We work with the best at what they do. We look for people with a track record that proves they can do what they claim they can do: not just on paper, but with results to back it up. We couldn't care less about the logos on your resume – either you can deliver uncommon results or not.

If this philosophy resonates with you and you believe your work is extraordinary (by your own definition, and in any domain: data science, art, finance, design, software, AI, marketing, sales, engineering, legal, product, community...) please reach out.

We don't have open roles, but we do have open minds. When we find remarkable people, we find ways to work together.

We'd love to meet you and be in touch for when the opportunity to work together comes up.

let's meet

We do not reply to low-effort submissions

Minimum length: one tweet. Tell us about something you've done that not many people can do
You can share any link: your website, portfolio, resume, GitHub, X profile, LinkedIn, or any relevant work – whatever you think it's more important